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by IBD Medical on May 02, 2024

Setting health goals

We tend to set ourselves BIG goals for our health. Whether this is for our diet, our exercise habits, or just our daily way of life. But a lot of the time, we fall short of these goals and there are some major reasons this happens.

1. The goal you set is too BIG PICTURE & is set in a time far far away that you can't grasp, understand or really visualise - it feels out of reach because IT IS right now. If it's too far away for you to focus on, it's difficult to really see yourself in that position - to know what it would feel like, look like, be like... if that was where you were at.

2. You aren't being consistent with the tasks you need to complete to reach the END GOAL, OR you don't even know what tasks you should be completing to achieve the END GOAL. It’s easy to spend time thinking about and imagining the unrealistic end result and forget to focus on the NOW and how you will get yourself there. When you DO take action it lacks energy and enthusiasm, and you rely on motivation to get you to show up. The days you do show up are RARE and again - inconsistent.

3. You realise you are still in the same place you were this time last year and give up altogether. The mere fact that you've given up and stopped taking daily action just reinforces your original false & limiting belief that you can't achieve these goals. You feel like and believe that this is just how you are and that you are just one of those people who can't lose weight.

4. You continue your regular habits and lifestyle until one day you get sick of it and set yet another BIG PICTURE FAR AWAY OUTLANDISH goal and forget all about the action required to reach it. 

The moral of the story is to set small goals that you can easily achieve, then increase the stakes over time when you can continuously reach that initial goal. This way, you will begin to slowly build trust in yourself because you’re sticking with it, and start to chip away at your goal at the same time.


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