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Food & Health

Tips to Reduce Hypo-bingeing | Diabetes and Food | Glucology

Tips to Reduce Hypo-bingeing

By Andi Blog One of the biggest factors that hold my clients back from weightloss is the extra food they eat to manage their blood sugars. The thing is, it doesn’t have to be that way....
3 easy steps to make hiking your new diabetes-friendly hobby | Glucology Diabetes Travel Tips

3 easy steps to make hiking your new diabetes-friendly hobby

With a little bit of organisation and the right equipment, hiking can be a fantastically healthy and diabetes-friendly activity for all ages and activity. Just follow these 3 simple steps below to set you on...
Nourishing Your Body: A Guide to Eating Well with Diabetes

Nourishing Your Body: A Guide to Eating Well with Diabetes

Maintaining a balanced and nutritious diet is paramount for individuals managing diabetes. Embracing a mindful approach to food choices, incorporating the Diabetes Plate Method, emphasising non-starchy vegetables, optimising protein intake, managing fruits and fats, and...
Choosing Seasonal Fruits and Veg | Diabetes 101

Choosing Seasonal Fruits and Veg | Diabetes 101

Fruits and veggies are essential for boosting your nutrient and fiber intake, helping to maintain stable glucose levels. Opt for seasonal produce for the freshest flavors, local support, and extra nourishment....

    How do I eat to support my emotional & physical wellbeing?

    How do I eat to support my emotional & physical wellbeing?

    Quite often when we think about food and eating well, the first thing we consider is eating for our physical wellbeing. Today, Andi (a T1D personal trainer and nutritionist who is also managing T1D herself)...
    CARB COUNTING STRATEGIES | Glucology Diabetes Shop

    Carb Counting Strategies

    Carb counting is one of those things that type 1s and regular people think of completely differently. The average person generally only counts carbs as a strategy for weight loss - whereas the purpose of...