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Food & Health

How do I eat to support my emotional & physical wellbeing?

How do I eat to support my emotional & physical wellbeing?

Quite often when we think about food and eating well, the first thing we consider is eating for our physical wellbeing. Today, Andi (a T1D personal trainer and nutritionist who is also managing T1D herself)...
CARB COUNTING STRATEGIES | Glucology Diabetes Shop

Carb Counting Strategies

Carb counting is one of those things that type 1s and regular people think of completely differently. The average person generally only counts carbs as a strategy for weight loss - whereas the purpose of...
Simple eating tips to help you be mindful of your diabetes

Simple eating tips to help you be mindful of your diabetes

There’s plenty of confusing and conflicting information out there when it comes to good nutrition, particularly when you have diabetes. And while everyone’s nutrition needs are slightly different, there are some basics that almost everyone...

Diabetes and Healthy Eating: A Nourishing Guide

Nourishing Your Health: A Guide to Diabetes and Healthy Eating For individuals managing diabetes, adopting a healthy eating plan is not just about managing blood sugar levels—it's a cornerstone for overall well-being. This article provides...
How to easily look after your diabetes during easter

How to easily look after your diabetes during easter

Easter is a time for celebration and indulgence, filled with chocolate eggs, hot cross buns and other delicious treats. But for those living with diabetes, this time of year can be challenging. Diabetes is a...
Nourishing Your Body: A Guide to Eating Well with Diabetes

Nourishing Your Body: A Guide to Eating Well with Diabetes

Maintaining a balanced and nutritious diet is paramount for individuals managing diabetes. Embracing a mindful approach to food choices, incorporating the Diabetes Plate Method, emphasising non-starchy vegetables, optimising protein intake, managing fruits and fats, and...