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Diabetes Management

Sleep and Winter | Diabetes 101 |Glucology Type 1 and 2 diabetes solutions

Sleep and Winter

Winter is a season characterised by cold temperatures, shorter days, and longer nights. It's a time when nature slows down and prepares for the coming spring. During this season, sleep patterns can be influenced by...
There's nothing that sleep wont help with... and 3 ways to improve sleep! Diabetes 101 | Type 1 diabetes

There's nothing that sleep wont help with... and 3 ways to improve sleep!

What Andi says about this podcast: "I discuss the different areas of your health and life that lack of sleep or poor quality sleep will affect! There is almost no area of your health that...
3 great items to take the hassle out of travelling with Diabetes!

3 great items to take the hassle out of travelling with Diabetes!

  Travelling with diabetes can be challenging, but with the right tools, you can make your journey smoother and more enjoyable. Here are three essential items from Glucology that will help you manage your diabetes...
Diabetes self-care tips for 2024! Type 1 Diabetes management

Diabetes self-care: seven steps!

There is always an opportunity to make changes to improve our health - whether it’s eating better, exercising more, quitting smoking or reducing stress. We can also take the time to review our diabetes management and to determine...
Best Quick Tips to Organise your Diabetes Management Efficiently | Glucology Type 1

6 Tips to Organise your Diabetes Management Efficiently

Your diabetes to-do list might be extensive, staying organised can help and provide some relief! Follow these strategies to tackle each day with less stress. There are so many things to remember when managing diabetes...
10 tips for managing diabetes this winter | Glucology | Diabetic Socks and Foot Care

10 tips for managing diabetes this winter

As the seasons change so can the management of your diabetes. According to an article written by Amy Campbell, a registered dietician and diabetes educator, as the temperature drops, blood sugars may rise. That's because...