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Diabetes Meet 'N Greet Story with Ashleigh!

by IBD Medical on February 21, 2022

Diabetes inspiring woman with family 

Kia Ora, my name is Ashleigh Robinson. I am 23 years old and I have a wonderful husband and a beautiful 3 year old daughter. My family and I moved from Hamilton New Zealand to Melbourne Australia in 2020. I have my qualifications in business administration medical and a deep passion for reading.


To know how my diabetes journey started we need to go back to 2018 - my daughter was 4 months old and I got rushed to hospital with pancreatitis, complications of gallbladder problems. After recovery I thought no long term damage was done until falling pregnant in February 2021. The doctors did some bloods and noticed high blood sugars. By that March we had lost a baby and gained the diagnosis of diabetes. I definitely went through the emotions, “the why me i’m only 23” or “how did I not know this was an option after having acute pancreatitis”.


A few months after the diagnosis and all the shock that came with it, I did my research and came across Glucology. I found the floral pattern diabetes travel case and it felt like my kind of style, which my husband confirmed and pushed me to buy knowing the reality of management was no small challenge. I bought the plus size case to keep my medication in and the needles that I desperately needed to keep away from my young daughter. The needles aspect of diabetes is daunting but once I got my case, it almost went away (the fear of doing the same thing every day, taking the same medication and managing my diabetes fit into a pretty case). I ordered the diabetes starter box and I swear by Glucology ever since.


I want people who are going through the same as me to feel empowered by their health management and know how far modern products have developed. They provide foot cream and comfy socks specialised for people with diabetes its so comforting to know I have support from a company who specialises their products to help me on my journey of being a mum, wife, student and diabetic (which is a lot to juggle at times).


I am looking forward to a healthier, well balanced year and hopefully some travel in the near future (miss you New Zealand!). My goal for 2022 is to have maintained healthy blood sugars so we can have another baby! 

1 comment
by Michael Murphy on February 25, 2022

I can promise after 60 yrs of Diabetes things will get so much better for you and the fact that your doing is your best is fantastic Your body will be so happy you made the effort in 50 years time


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