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I dislike this diabetes task...

by IBD Medical on February 25, 2024

Diabetes management can be tough ... but what's that one task that you really dislike the most?

See what our community has to say!

 Some of our favourite shares:

  • Constantly counting carbs. It's frustrating, four letter words used a lot. I had a really nasty hypo event last night. The reader & phone (libre 2 system) said LO- No wonder I felt sick & trembling all over, even my eyes, scary stuff. My husband got the Glucagon & injected me. 10 minutes later, I was presented with a choc coated ice cream. He has had to ring ambulances a few times over the years. Golden Circle juice is on the shopping list, + a Glucagon script! - Gayle A.
  • All the prep and multiple contingency plans to go anywhere for more than two or three days. All the stuff you need to carry, people just don’t understand how tough it is - Cliff V.
  • Talking to people who don’t understand diabetes, about diabetes - Andi B.
  • Counting Crabs - Julie H.
  • Matching self-management requirements to my erratic schedule at work - routine goes out the window at times - Zara H.
  • All of it, I would give anything for a break from diabetes - Angela H.
  • Pump changes. Just so tedious lol - Kristina B.


Diabetes Task

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I DISLIKE THIS DIABETES TASK... | Diabetic case | Diabetes Australia | Insulin pump
by Cheryl Daley on January 30, 2023

I hate the diabetic neuropathy in my hands and feet if it keeps getting worse I can see myself in a wheelchair and I don’t want that. People don’t understand what it feels like so painful when the electric shocks just won’t stop. Lyrica has been a god send to stop the shocks but the numbing under my feet and my finger tips don’t know how to stop that. If anyone knows I would appreciate you letting me know.

by Cheryl W on October 17, 2022

Counting carbs is the bane of my life but also having all the extra “stuff” in my handbag on a daily basis, which weighs a ton by the way, is a pain and then having to take all the extras with you no matter whether you go away for a day, a week or a month.

by Doug Kennon on October 17, 2022

After 32 years I hate having to check my sugar levels with the finger prick.

by Elaine on October 17, 2022

Yes the packing of pump supplies and test strips, food for lows(which I always have in airports), insulin to monitor the temperature and extra pump supplies. Basically I put all that in my carry on so I have it, makes the bag very heavy.


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