A helpful step-by-step for newly diagnosed diabetics
by IBD Medical on December 08, 2022
Have you just been diagnosed with diabetes? You may have or are going through several emotions and perhaps you’re questioning how you got to this stage of your life. Your initial feelings may include feeling shocked, sad, angry, confused, overwhelmed or self-blaming. The main message we’d like to share is that while it can feel very isolating, it’s important to know that you are not alone. We encourage you to talk to your health professional and connect with people in the community (who are all very friendly!). Reaching out can help you access the diverse information that is available to help you gain clarity on your diagnosis and receive relevant management tips to better help and support your lifestyle changes. At the beginning, it's very normal to feel lost but with the right game plan from working with your health professionals, as well as having the right emotional support from the community or close family/friends, you don’t need to stop living your best life! Here is a simple guideline on what you can do when getting newly diagnosed:
- Register with the NDSS (National Diabetes Services Scheme)
- Free register for Australians that gives you access to subsidised products, educational information and events relevant to diabetes and managing it.
You can ask your doctor or health team to help you register. Or you can print out the registration form here and then take it to your health professional to have your form certified.
For more information and support, read more here
Explore your support program options and know what you have access to. Learn more
- Create a support network
- Sharing your experiences with others who are going through similar day to day challenges and lifestyle changes when it comes to diabetes management can help you feel less alienated and to take more pride in who you are (regardless of your diabetes diagnosis).
Check out our online support port group, where we share valuable tips, community stories and light-hearted content such as diabetes-related memes in hopes to put a smile on your face.
Explore your local peer support network options here
Require information and resources in your language? Head over to NDSS website by Diabetes Australia For more information and support:
- There is also an advice helpline via NDSS here: 1800 637 700
IBD Medical was born in Sydney Australia. Our mission is to help improve the lives of people living with diabetes by providing the best possible support products and information. Remember to always seek advice from your medical practioner before changing anything about your diabetes management. The above information is not medical advice