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Porridge has a lower glycaemic index in comparison to other breakfast choices. Porridge is typically made with steel-cut (chopped) or rolled oats. The more processed the oats are, such as instant oats, the faster the oats are digested and the faster the blood sugar can potentially increase. This is why it is recommended to make porridge with less processed oats.
Due to moderate to high fibre content and lower glycaemic index, porridge can help to regulate blood sugar and digestion as well as lower cholesterol. Porridge is moderately high in fibre and slow to digest, making you feel fuller for longer. Additionally, it is a good source of long-term energy.
Why not start the day with a meal that helps to regulate your blood sugar and provide a long-term source of energy. Choose healthy add-ins and avoid pre-packaged porridge and cream to create a hearty breakfast for when you’re living with diabetes. Check out our recipe below.
Preparation Time: 2 Minutes
Cooking Time: 10 Minutes
Difficulty: Fairly easy
½ cup (or ¼ of a mug) of steel-cut or rolled oats
1 cup (or ½ mug) of low-fat milk or water
1 teaspoon of honey
Always monitor your blood sugar levels to see how porridge affects you and always talk with your doctor before making any major dietary alterations.