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Women with Diabetes: a perspective on standing tall no matter the challenges

by IBD Medical on September 09, 2022

Diabetes Women Stories

Today we have Rhiannon, mother to Luna who is managing T1D. Rhiannon is definitely more than just a mother in our eyes. She's made sure to strengthen and grow herself so that she can pass these traits on to her daughter. Along their journey, Luna has also taught her mother how to stand tall and smile in the face of life's challenges. 


1. What does it mean to you to be a woman?

Being a woman for me means raising strong and capable girls ! Teaching them not to accept second best , stand tall and fight for equal rights in all aspects of life . 


2. What contributions have you made or what roles do you play in your life that is meaningful to you?

When Luna was diagnosed nearly 3 months ago it felt like a lonely place, there was little information or real stories of babies her age. 

I felt it was very important to share her journey not only for Luna to look back on but for other parents of newly diagnosed little ones. I hope we can inspire others and share our knowledge as we navigate the early years with type 1 diabetes. 


3. What empowered you to stand taller in the face of diabetes?

My daughter Luna has empowered me to stand tall in the face of diabetes , the strength she shows at just 7 months of age amazes me every day. If she can smile through the highs and lows of the injections and site changes then I as her parent and caregiver must do so. 



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