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Women with diabetes: a perspective on not letting diabetes or gender define your achievements

Women with diabetes: a perspective on not letting diabetes or gender define your achievements

"Women are like teabags. You never know how strong they are until you put them in hot water... and that's what happened to me" - Keeley. Today we have Keeley, a mother of 3 children....
Making Diabetes more inclusive

Making Diabetes more inclusive

Rohan is a T1D from Australia who is a big believer in sharing as much resources as possible to help bring more education, access and awareness around diabetes for the wider community. To gain another individualised perspective...
Women with Diabetes: a perspective on standing tall no matter the challenges

Women with Diabetes: a perspective on standing tall no matter the challenges

Today we have Rhiannon, mother to Luna who is managing T1D. Rhiannon is definitely more than just a mother in our eyes. She's made sure to strengthen and grow herself so that she can pass...
My Diabetes Diary: Rendezvous with T1D

My Diabetes Diary: Rendezvous with T1D

  My Diabetes Diary is designed to provide a welcoming and non-judgemental platform for anyone in the diabetes community to be able to share a part of their story, to raise topics of importance to...
Learning how to effectively make T1D management easier

Learning how to effectively make T1D management easier

Written by Andi Balog Some say ‘t1d doesn’t get easier, you just find better ways to cope with it’... But I believe it’s a bit of both.  After 18 years of living with this disease and...
Inspirational women living with diabetes: Brandy Barnes

Inspirational women living with diabetes: Brandy Barnes

Happy Women’s Day! Every year we like to talk about women who inspire us. Last year we talked about Fifi Hazzouri, the founder of the not-for-profit organisation “Diabetes Alive”. This year we’d like to talk about...